Tranquil Energy Therapies: Reiki, Reflexology & Coaching
Improving your mind, body, and spirit
Reiki or Reflexology, which should I try first?

Reiki or Reflexology, which treatment should I try first?

This is a question I get asked often and is quite a tricky one to answer because there is no one method that suits everyone!

Reiki and Reflexology both help you to feel deeply relaxed and are good at reducing stress, anxiety and tension. They usually help you restore good sleeping patterns, lift low mood, and both are great for helping you improve your overall feelings of well-being. Thus, both can lead you to a very similar outcome.

Which treatment is best?

It can come down in the end to what you’re most comfortable with and what else is going on for you. 

Best treatment for feeling rebalanced, refreshed and revitalized (on a more physical level)...Reflexology

If you feel a bit out of balance and are in need of being ‘clicked back together', try Reflexology. The whole aim of reflexology is for you to be brought back into a state of homeostasis or balance. Reflexology helps to reset everything back to factory settings, so if something is running a little sluggishly or too quickly, hopefully reflexology will bring it back into balance.

Reflexology – offers that all over body effect without having to take any clothes off -other than your shoes and socks! But that may not be the best option for everyone as some people hate having their feet touched, or feel self-conscious of their feet. Some people worry that their feet are normally very ticklish and don’t want to feel uncomfortable!  I adjust the pressure I use to suit you so reflexology should NOT tickle.

Hand Reflexology is an alternative to foot reflexology if working on the feet is off-limits. It can also compliment a foot reflexology session.

Reflexology – what to expect...

I start with some massage and apply specific pressure points on the lower legs and feet. It normally feels deeply relaxing. The pressure can be adjusted to meet your needs. I end with heat to refresh the feet. 

Best for clearing energetic blockages (more emotional, mental, or spiritual level)... Reiki.

If you’re feeling ‘stuck’ or have low energy, Reiki can be just what you need. It is great for soothing ruffled feathers, calming tired and frazzled minds, easing anxiety and just getting the energy flowing again. Reiki is very gentle and is suitable for most everyone.

Reiki – What to expect...

Reiki is great as it is done fully clothed. You don’t even have to take your shoes off if you don’t want! (Although I recommend that you do!) Hands are held either over a particular area or hands are placed onto the recipients body where appropriate. Reiki usually feels warm and comforting, like the feeling you get when you fall over as a child and place your hand on your own knee.

Reiki is one of those treatments which is hard to describe, really the best way to find out whether you like it or if it is helpful for you is to book a session or course of sessions

To conclude:

Reflexology is great if you need clicking back together so you feel refreshed, revitalized, and ‘almost normal’ again.

Reiki is great for unblocking any stuck energy and for getting flow back in your life - so great for the spirit.

If you STILL can’t decide, it’s ok to try a combination of both treatments to suit your own needs - these modalities compliment each other. Many clients request both modalities in a single session to get the best healing possible for their needs.

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