So what's the difference in Reiki and Reflexology?
Both are complementary therapies. Reiki is considered a manual healing method as well as an energy modality where the practitioner holds their hands over/on the body (head, neck, shoulders,...) usually for several minutes. The practitioner is actually a conduit for the energy. Reiki means universal energy, so it's energy from the universe.
Reflexology looks at the hands and feet as the windows to the body, as the soles of the feet mirror the entire body. There are reflex areas on the feet that tell us about the body. It's not foot massage, rather it's purposeful movements where areas of tenderness tells us information about the person.
These therapies go hand in hand. Reflexology - opens up energy pathways and therefore allows body to receive Reiki healing more easily. Reflexology focuses on more physical aliments and Reiki focuses on more mental and emotional (but can address the physical aliments). Reflexology is used to target known areas of physical discomfort, and Reiki takes the treatment deeper. When deliberately combined, the relaxation is often much deeper and may also create a quicker response time. When the Reflexologist is a Reiki practitioner, some Reiki energy will always be flowing through the feet via hands of the therapist.